combined selection

美 [kəmˈbaɪnd sɪˈlekʃn]英 [kəmˈbaɪnd sɪˈlekʃn]
  • 综合(合并)选择
combined selectioncombined selection
  1. Study on the principle and application of predicted combined selection index in animal breeding


  2. Study on the predicted phenotypic combined selection index of Lingshan Semi-wool sheep


  3. A Study on Combined Selection in Chinese Fir


  4. Genetic Analysis and Combined Selection for Growth and Wood Quality of Open-pollinated


  5. The Analytic Hierarchy Process on the Combined Selection of Chinese Fir Multicharacter


  6. Weight minimization design of main girder of large pressing machine based on father-offspring combined selection GA


  7. One-Parent Progeny Test and Combined Selection of the Second Generation Seed Orchard of Cunninghamia lanceolata


  8. Study on Egg Production Heritability and Combined Selection Index for Forty-three Week-old Egg Number of Hebei Domestic Chicken


  9. Effects of Ziwuliuzhu combined selection of the source point and the collateral point on athletic injuries and the state of channels


  10. Giving the selection rate as 4 / 100 , then the genetic gains for combined selection and family selection were 48.6 % and 21.8 % respectively .


  11. A Monte Carlo simulation and a selection experiment on the mouse were made to investigate direct-indirect combined selection methods and their relative merits .


  12. On one hand , purer stem cells could be obtained with combined selection than single positive selection since double selection could distinguish stem cells from their progenies .


  13. Under the selection rate of 30 % for family , the genetic gain for volume was estimated to be 3.1 % , with combined selection and 148 selected trees .


  14. Meanwhile , genetic gains of combined selection were estimated using 3 equations according to Hodge and White ( 1992 ), and Falconer ( 1989 ) .


  15. Under the condition of risk , the combined selection of individual 's number of years for education and occupation is an important model to realize the maximized effectiveness of individual educational investment .


  16. Conclusion Ziwuliuzhu combined selection of the source point and the collateral point has good effect on pain and other clinical symptoms of athletic injuries , and makes channels of imbalance tend to balance or recover balance .


  17. The process of governance in the community to take " combined selection ", " proposed line is divided into " and so on , and learn from the experience of community committees under the workstation , and achieved fairly good results .


  18. A combined selection with seed source and individual trees was carried out , considering such characters as the tree height , diameter at breast high , bark thickness , bark roughness , color of bark powder , oiliness of the inner bark , and grinding easiness of the bark .


  19. A Combined Feature Selection Function for Text Classification


  20. The reason of difference is analyzed and a new method named Combined Feature Selection is put forward .


  21. PRN combined feature selection algorithm is proposed .


  22. Through transformation of the traditional school , modern schools combined the selection of scholars with selection of officials .


  23. In this Paper , a new combined feature selection function that is based on the Mutual Information and χ ~ 2 is proposed .


  24. Niche technology in retaining the best is combined in selection . It can retain the optimal solution , but also to ensure the diversity of groups .


  25. In order to decrease the MI 's bias towards low frequency words , one combined feature selection is expounded , and is proved to be effective by experiment .


  26. First , we will make use of the combined feature selection method ~ ( [ 1 ] ) to remove noisy features from the original feature space and extract candidate features .


  27. In the study of antenna selection , the paper combined antenna selection with multi-user precoding , and improved the sum capacity of the system by two classical antenna selection algorithms .


  28. At low and medium heritability phenotypic selection was inferior to combined index selection , only when heritability was high phenotypic selection was as efficient as or more efficient than combined index selection .


  29. Having combined discrete selection model and improved Fisher discrimination , this model can successfully search the best variable combination to separate developing and non-developing units , and automatically give the parameter value of model .


  30. On the basis of the research of RBF neural network for time series prediction and PRN combined feature selection algorithm , the predicting model of multifactor time series based on PRN combined feature selection algorithm is established .
